Alabama Property Rights and Remedies
Available through CLE Alabama
Jesse P. Evans III is the author of Alabama Property Rights and Remedies (Fifth Edition), which has long been known as one of the leading works on Alabama Real Property law. In 2017 Price Evans IV became a co-author. It is a comprehensive work covering an array of real property litigation topics, including most of the common rights and remedies that attorneys will encounter in their practice. The work is divided into five parts with twenty-eight chapters. The Fifth Edition is now available in a hardbound, two-volume set.
Jesse P. Evans III is the author of Alabama Property Rights and Remedies (Fifth Edition), which has long been known as one of the leading works on Alabama Real Property law. In 2017 Price Evans IV became a co-author. It is a comprehensive work covering an array of real property litigation topics, including most of the common rights and remedies that attorneys will encounter in their practice. The work is divided into five parts with twenty-eight chapters. The Fifth Edition is now available in a hardbound, two-volume set.